Salivary Hormone Testing

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Salivary Hormone Testing


Hormones are essential chemical messengers which regulate routine processes in the body. Hormone imbalances can affect a wide range of body functions including: metabolism and appetite, heart rate, sleep cycles, reproductive cycles, general growth and development, mood and stress levels, body temperature, and sexual function. All of these can negatively affect quality of life and may increase the risk for hormone-related diseases, including hormone-sensitive cancers.

Miss Alexa is a firm believer in using saliva testing for hormonal health since salivary hormones are in the free-fraction form (meaning they are most readily available to bind to cell receptor sites). The Vibrant Wellness Salivary Hormone Panel measures the following:

  • 24-hour Cortisol and Cortisone Circadian Rhythm measured at 4 different times on collection day

  • DHEA-S

  • Progesterone

  • Estrogens (Estrone, Estradiol, Estriol)

  • Testosterone

This is an at-home kit with instructions. Results typically received within 14-21 days. NOTE for menstruating females: This test should be collected between days 19-21 of menstrual cycle.

Once purchased, a saliva kit (with instructions) will be drop-shipped to the address provided. Patient will receive an email once results are received to schedule a consult.

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