Leaky Gut and Gluten Sensitivity Testing
Leaky Gut and Gluten Sensitivity Testing
Intestinal Permeability (also known as Leaky Gut Syndrome) is the gateway to autoimmunity as well as many chronic inflammatory conditions. This is a test Miss Alexa prefers to screen every patient for due to the devastating effects it has on the human body and the immune system. In addition, gluten-sensitivities are becoming increasingly common in America today due to the hybridization and processing of modern wheat. Unfortunately, standard tests that exist today for Celiac Disease and Gluten Sensitivity are extremely outdated and do not test for the entire gluten proteome. This is why Miss Alexa uses Vibrant Wellness’ Wheat Zoomer Panel, which tests for the following:
All known deamidated gliadins
Alpha, alpha-beta, gamma, and omega gliadin
HMW and LMW glutenin family
Zonulin protein
Anti-lipopolysaccharide (LPS)
tTG-DGP Fusion Peptides
Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)
Differential transglutaminase: 2, 3 and 6
Wheat IgE antibodies (for wheat allergies)
Non-gluten wheat proteins
Amylase/Protease Inhibitors
Total IgA and IgG
Results typically received within 14-20 days of blood draw. Once purchased, a Vibrant Labs Kit will be drop-shipped to the address provided. Patient will receive an email with their lab kit instructions and an additional email once results are received to schedule a consult.