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Functional Nutrition for Optimal Health

Miss Alexa’s Functional Nutrition for Optimal Health presentation covers a variety of dietary topics including: Dietary Oils, Omega-3 and Omega-6 Fatty Acids, Grains and Legumes, Pesticides and GMO’s, Sweeteners, Dairy, and the Standard American Diet. Attendees will take away a comprehensive understanding of how to nourish their bodies in the most optimal and functional way. In addition, attendees will be given simplistic approaches for grocery shopping and meal prep. Presentation lasts 45-60 minutes with Q & A session immediately following.

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Autoimmune Disease Recovery

Miss Alexa’s Autoimmune Disease Recovery presentation reveals the top ten triggers to all autoimmune disease including: poor barrier systems, inflammatory diet, poor detoxification systems, food sensitivities, hidden infections, poor thyroid function, poor adrenal function, poor gut microbiome, nutritional deficiencies, and genetic mutations. Attendees will gain an in-depth understanding of the health impacts of autoimmunity and more importantly, how autoimmune triggers can be properly tested for and corrected with functional medicine and functional nutrition. Presentation lasts 45-60 minutes with Q & A session immediately following.

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Thyroid Recovery

Miss Alexa’s Thyroid Recovery presentation explores the 22 patterns of thyroid dysfunction in the human body that traditional medicine often overlooks. Thyroid physiology from a functional medicine perspective will be broken down in detail for all attendees as well as the 9-10 different thyroid markers that every thyroid patient should be tested for. Common triggers for poor thyroid function will be discussed in addition to natural solutions for improving thyroid function. Presentation lasts 45-60 minutes with Q & A session immediately following.

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Digestive Recovery

Miss Alexa’s Digestive Recovery presentation reveals the top ten underlying causes to chronic digestive problems including: poor breakdown/absorption/elimination of food, low beneficial gut flora, bacteria/yeast overgrowth, gut infections, inflammatory foods/food sensitivities, gut autoimmunity, certain medications, hormone imbalances, nutritional deficiencies, and neurological dysfunction. Essential testing for identifying digestive dysfunction will be discussed in addition to natural therapies for restoring proper gut function. Presentation lasts 45-60 minutes with Q & A session immediately following.

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Type 2 Diabetes Recovery

Miss Alexa’s Type 2 Diabetes Recovery presentation covers the consequences of elevated blood sugar on the body and brain as well as the consequences of commonly prescribed Type 2 Diabetes medications. The top ten underlying causes of high blood sugar that are not related to diet and exercise will be explored in detail including: poor thyroid function, poor liver function, poor adrenal gland function, systemic inflammation, autoimmunity against the pancreas, poor digestive function, nutritional deficiencies, medications, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), and neurologically induced high blood sugar. Identification and removal of triggers to poor blood sugar control will be discussed as well as natural solutions for Type 2 Diabetes remission. Presentation lasts 45-60 minutes with Q & A session immediately following.

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Female Hormone Recovery

Miss Alexa’s Female Hormone Recovery presentation explores the many underlying mechanisms of hormonal dysfunction in both menstruating and menopausal women. Basic hormone physiology in the female body will be reviewed for all attendees in addition to the effects that synthetic contraceptives and hormone replacement therapy (HRT) have on female hormone balance. The six major pillars of female hormone balance will be explained in detail including: proper essential fatty acid levels, proper liver function, endocrine disruptors, proper digestive function, proper blood sugar control, and proper adrenal gland function. Presentation lasts 45-60 minutes with Q & A session immediately following.

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Metabolic Weight Loss

Miss Alexa’s Metabolic Weight Loss presentation reveals the role of the metabolic set point in maintaining a healthy weight and the eight metabolic disturbances leading to weight gain including: poor gut function, high blood sugar, adrenal dysfunction, thyroid dysfunction, chronic inflammation, autoimmunity, hormone imbalances, and genetic mutations. Proper testing for identifying metabolic disturbances will be covered in addition to natural solutions for weight loss and weight maintenance. Presentation lasts 45-60 minutes with Q & A session immediately following.