Breakfast Omelet with Zucchini

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This simple and quick recipe is the perfect breakfast option for veggie lovers! Eggs are packed with protein, amino acids, and choline. They also contain the “good” cholesterol, also known as “HDL” (high-density lipoprotein). Incorporating coconut oil into this dish will provide you with healthy fatty acids that will be sure to keep you full all morning! Zucchini provides an excellent source of Vitamin C, fiber, and is low in calories. If desired, add in your favorite Miss Alexa-approved cheese and/or veggies for a satisfying and savory meal. Top it off with salt and pepper and enjoy!


Serves 1

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • 2 pasture-raised eggs, large

  • ¼ cup zucchini, thinly sliced into rounds

  • 1 dash salt & pepper


1) Whisk eggs, zucchini, and pepper in a bowl.

2) Melt coconut oil in frying pan.

3) Add egg mixture and fry, without stirring, until eggs are no longer runny.

4) Slide out of pan onto plate and fold in half. Top with salt & pepper. Enjoy!