Chicken Spring Rolls

Try making these healthy and delicious chicken spring rolls as your next lunch or dinner option! Chicken serves as a great source of protein, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin B12. Garlic helps to strengthen the immune system and reduces high blood pressure. Tamari is a healthy alternative to soy sauce and is naturally gluten-free. Both cucumbers and bell peppers are loaded with antioxidants and help to promote weight loss. Feel free to serve each spring roll with tamari as a dipping sauce or enjoy by itself!


  • 2 lbs boneless chicken

  • 3 tbsp coconut oil (melted)

  • 3 cloves garlic, diced

  • 2 tsp sesame oil

  • 1 tbsp tamari

  • Carrots, cucumbers, and bell peppers cut into thin strips

  • Rice paper tortillas

  • Extra tamari on the side, optional


1) In a large bowl, combine the chicken, coconut oil, garlic, sesame oil, and tamari. Cover well and allow to marinade for 15 minutes.

2) In a large pan, cook the chicken on medium high heat until fully cooked through. Slice the cooked chicken into ½-inch slices.

3) Prepare a large bowl of warm water. Gently place each rice paper tortilla into the warm water until damp. Transfer each rice paper tortilla onto a working surface and allow the tortillas to absorb the water for about 5-10 seconds before beginning to make the spring rolls.

4) Begin to make the spring rolls by adding the chicken and veggies to the edge of the tortilla closest to you. Proceed by rolling the tortilla over the fillings away from you, making sure the ingredients remain secure within the tortilla. Serve with tamari as a dipping sauce on the side and enjoy!