Chocolate Chip Date Bars

Try making these chocolate chip date bars for a quick snack to fuel your day! Dates are known to promote a healthy nervous system, are a great source of fiber, and help lower cholesterol levels. Cashews reduce the risk of diabetes, boost bone and oral health, reduce the risk of anemia, and promote the development of red blood cells. Add in other nuts, such as almonds, walnuts, or pumpkin seeds to promote good digestion and provide a good source of protein. Eat these for breakfast or as a snack when you are on the go! Enjoy!


  • 2 cups medjool dates, pitted

  • ¼  cup cashews

  • ¼ cup almonds

  • ¼ tsp sea salt

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract

  • ¼ cup paleo-friendly dark chocolate chips


1) Combine all ingredients, aside from chocolate chips, in a food processor until well-combined and sticky.

2) Once well-combined, add in and lightly mix the chocolate chips.

3) Line baking pan with parchment paper. Firmly press mixture into pan and place in freezer for an hour. Cut into bars and enjoy!