Dairy-Free Coffee Ice Cream

Try making this dairy-free coffee ice cream for your next dessert option! This recipe is a great alternative to traditional ice cream, as it is free of refined sugar and unhealthy fats. Bananas are the base of this recipe and provide plenty of fiber to keep your gut in good health. They are also a great source of potassium, which promotes heart health. Adding maple syrup to this recipe will not only help sweeten the ice cream, but it will provide you with a beneficial amount of antioxidants. Enjoy!


  • 4 frozen bananas, sliced

  • ¼ cup cold brew coffee

  • 1 tsp maple syrup

  • ½ tsp vanilla extract


1) In a food processor, add the sliced banana, coffee, maple syrup, and vanilla extract. Blend until smooth.

2) Transfer to the freezer and freeze for up to 3 hours. Enjoy!