Oven Roasted Chickpeas

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Oven roasted chickpeas are the perfect savory snack to enjoy on the go! Chickpeas are known to help reduce cholesterol levels and the risk of heart disease. They are a great source of plant-based protein and contain a significant amount of fiber, which promotes healthy digestion and bowel regularity. Coconut oil provides short chain fatty acids for improved liver and brain function while also supplying antioxidants to reduce oxidative stress. The addition of garlic, smoked paprika, and sea salt will be sure to enhance this flavorful snack. Enjoy!


Serves 3-4

  • 1 can of chickpeas

  • 1 tbsp of coconut oil (melted)

  • 1/2 tsp of garlic powder

  • 1/2 tsp of smoked paprika powder

  • 1 tsp of sea salt


1) Preheat oven to 350 F and line baking sheet with parchment paper.

2) Drain and dry canned chickpeas by gently rolling them between a paper towel.

3) Mix the chickpeas with melted coconut oil, sea salt, and spices in a bowl.

4) Next, spread the chickpeas on the baking sheet and bake for 25-30 minutes, until nicely roasted.

5) Let cool and enjoy!