Baked Chicken and Salsa

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Make this protein-packed baked chicken and salsa for lunch or dinner! Chicken is known to be rich in protein and low in sodium. It also helps control blood pressure, lowers inflammation in the body, and promotes heart health. Incorporating a healthy and paleo-friendly salsa to this dish is very important! Using a salsa that includes organic tomatoes, onion, and cilantro will fill you up and provide you with various vitamins and nutrients. These ingredients help with boosting immunity, balancing blood sugar levels, and promoting good digestion. Enjoy!


  • 16 ounces chicken thighs

  • 1 cup salsa

  • Minced cilantro (optional, for garnish)


1) Heat oven to 375 F. Line a covered baking dish with parchment paper.

2) Place chicken thighs in dish and put 2 tbsp of salsa on each one.

3) Bake covered for 60 minutes until chicken is cooked through and no longer pink (internal temperature should be at least 170 F).

4) Serve with minced cilantro as a garnish and enjoy!