Cream of Zucchini Soup

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It’s time to boil and blend my friends. This recipe is an absolute favorite of mine due to its ridiculously easy preparation and savory flavor. If you are not one who is kitchen savvy, I promise you this recipe is pretty much fail-proof for all who attempt it. Many patients may argue that boiling vegetables is not ideal, since a good majority of the vitamins and minerals are lost in the water that is discarded. No need to be concerned with that problem in my cream of zucchini soup, since the broth used to boil the vegetables is consumed in the final product! Miss Alexa is all about nutritional quality.

May marks the season for starting my vegetable garden, and zucchini is one of the top crops I intend on planting this summer. From zucchini pastas, soups, and breads, the options for cooking with zucchini are endless. In addition to its versatility in recipes, zucchini also provides our bodies with Vitamins A, C, manganese, and lutein, all of which promote healthy vision and better eyesight. In addition, the skin of the zucchini is one of the most treasured parts, since it contains the bulk of the dietary fiber which is necessary for proper digestive function. Lastly, the deep dark green color of the skin is packed with carotenoids, which serve as antioxidants to help fight off inflammation (which is the root of all chronic illness). Once you start making blended soups, the vegetable combinations and varieties are endless!


Serves 4

  • 4 cups of chicken broth

  • 1 onion (yellow or sweet)

  • 3 medium zucchinis

  • 2 garlic cloves

  • Sea salt and black pepper to taste


1) Chop onion and slice garlic cloves. Add to a large soup pot with chicken broth. Chop zucchinis into thick chunks and add to soup pot as well.

2) Turn stovetop to high heat and bring broth and vegetables to a boil. Turn heat down to medium and cook (with pot covered) until vegetables are tender (about 20-25 minutes).

3) Place broth and cooked vegetables into a high speed blender and blend until smooth. Pour into soup bowls and sprinkle with salt and pepper. Enjoy!