Paleo Eggnog

Try making this Paleo Eggnog for your next healthy holiday drink option! Eggs benefit brain health and promote healthy eyesight. Coconut milk offers a wide range of benefits including fighting off infections, providing your body with plenty of antioxidants, and lowering cholesterol levels. Cinnamon is loaded with antioxidants and improves gut health. Nutmeg aids in preventing inflammation and boosting heart health. Serve this healthy eggnog at your next holiday party and enjoy!


  • 4 egg yolks

  • ¼ cup organic coconut sugar

  • 2 cans full fat coconut milk

  • ¼ tsp cinnamon

  • 1 tsp nutmeg, freshly grated

  • Almond milk for thickening


1) In a stand mixer, beat egg yolks for a few minutes. Add in the coconut sugar, pausing occasionally to allow sugar to dissolve. Once all the sugar has been added and mixed in, set the mixture aside.

2) In a small saucepan, bring coconut milk to a simmer. Toss in the cinnamon and nutmeg and combine well.

3) To temper the eggs, first turn the stand mixer on low, and slowly add in a spoonful of the hot milk mixture. Continue until one cup of the milk mixture is in the mixer.

4) Once the eggs are tempered, transfer them to the saucepan and simmer the mixture for a few minutes. Remove the mixture from heat and let it cool.

5) Once the eggnog has cooled down, transfer to a large mason jar and place in the refrigerator. The longer it chills in the refrigerator, the thicker it will be.

6) After a couple hours, take the eggnog out of the fridge and add almond milk to thin it out according to your preference.

7) Top with extra nutmeg and cinnamon and enjoy!