Sesame Energy Bites

Try making these Sesame Energy Bites for your next healthy snack option! Sesame seeds are an excellent source of plant protein and help to improve digestion. Gluten-free oats provide plenty of fiber and help to lower cholesterol levels. Tahini helps prevent inflammation as well as promote brain health. Flaxseed is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and fiber. Pack these energy bites for an on-the-go snack and enjoy!


  • 1 cup gluten-free oats

  • ⅛ cup ground flaxseed meal

  • ½ cup tahini

  • ¼ cup almond butter

  • ¼ cup maple syrup

  • ½ tsp cinnamon

  • 4 tbsp sesame seeds


1) Pulse the oats and flaxseed meal in a food processor or high-speed blender until a grainy texture forms.

2) Add in the remaining ingredients (except the sesame seeds) and pulse until a sticky, doughy texture is formed.

3) Transfer the dough to a medium-sized bowl, cover, and let sit in the fridge for 30 minutes.

4) After the 30 minutes are up, use a cookie scooper or your hands to form bite-sized balls with the dough. This recipe should yield around eight energy bites.

5) Spread the sesame seeds on a plate and roll the energy bites in them to be fully coated. Enjoy!