Spinach Stir Fry

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This spinach stir fry is easy to prepare and enjoy for either lunch or dinner! On its own, spinach is known to help promote heart health and is an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. Incorporating this leafy green into your diet will provide you with enough Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K1, iron, and folate for one full meal! The addition of both red and green bell peppers adds extra flavor as well as Vitamin B6 and magnesium. Tomatoes are known for containing the antioxidant lycopene, which is known to help reduce the risk of cancer and heart disease. Adding in ground beef is a great way to obtain sufficient protein and additional iron for the day. Complete this dish by adding in your favorite seasonings and enjoy!


Serves 2

  • 1 tbsp coconut oil

  • 6 ounces of ground beef

  • ¼ cup onion, chopped

  • 2 cups green bell pepper, chopped

  • 2 cups red bell pepper, chopped

  • 8 cups spinach

  • 2 cups tomato, diced


1) Cook beef on medium-high heat in large pot until almost-browned. Add onion and pepper, stirring constantly until meat is fully browned.

2) Add rest of ingredients to pan and mix together.

3) Heat on medium until heated through (a few minutes). Enjoy!