Overnight Oats

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Overnight oats is a wonderful recipe for a delicious on-the-go breakfast option. One of the major concerns I hear from patients is that they need quick, healthy, and convenient recipes to keep up with their fast-paced and busy lifestyles. Overnight oats fits the bill since it can be prepared quickly the night before and provides your body with complex carbohydrates that will keep you fueled for hours as you start your day off.

When oats are soaked overnight, they contain less anti-nutrients including lectins, phytic acid, and enzyme inhibitors. All whole grains naturally contain these anti-nutrients, and soaking grains overnight was a common practice among our early ancestors. When anti-nutrients are removed from the grain, it allows our digestive tract to absorb more vitamins and minerals from the whole grain. This results in less bloating/digestive discomfort and more nutrition for us!

My overnight oats is packed with fiber, which allows for a slow and steady digestion of carbohydrates. This helps prevent blood sugar fluctuations and keeps you full for hours. My recipe is paired with yogurt and chia seeds to provide a nice thick texture and flavored with cinnamon and raisins for that hint of sweetness. You can also top your overnight oats with shredded coconut and any fresh fruit!


Serves 1

  • ½ cup rolled oats

  • 1 tbsp chia seeds

  • 4 tbsp yogurt - for Miss Alexa approved dairy-based and dairy-free yogurt, please click here: https://www.missalexanutrition.com/fermented-foods

  • 2 tbsp raisins

  • 1 tsp cinnamon

  • 1 cup almond milk, unsweetened

  • Toppings: fresh fruit and unsweetened shredded coconut


1) Place all ingredients into a small mason jar & shake until well combined.

2) Place in fridge and let sit overnight.

3) Eat cold, or heat if desired. Top with fresh fruit and shredded coconut. Enjoy!